Felt Book I Made for Aubrie!

My niece's first birthday party was last weekend, and for her gift I decided to sew together a little felt book of her name. Since she is still just a baby, I didn't use glue and instead sewed down EVERYTHING as good as possible so she wouldn't be able to rip them out of the book to eat them. The exception to this is the bumblebee that I wanted to move so badly I put it on a string and sewed from its back to the page (with enough give for it to still move) many many times in hopes that she would not be as strong as the string. Regardless I warned my sister: ribbons + moving bee = adult supervision necessary. Anyways, here are the pictures of the finished result!


A is for Apple. U is for Umbrella

B is for Bumblebee. R is for Ribbons

The moving bee

I is for Ice Cream. E is for Elephant

The picture isn't too clear, but I stitched <3 Auntie Kate on the back