It's okay to watch a show called... Cougar Town

As they tell us in one of the opening credits of Season 2 of Courtney Cox's new comedy, Cougar Town.

Now an intense guilty pleasure of my roommate Larissa and myself, Cougar Town revolves around of a divorcee real estate agent and her "cul-de-sac-crew" of friends who love drinking wine and making fun or one another.

Thinking I am hipster enough to watch a show ironically, I let the TV stay on Cougar Town, a show I had seen advertised that looked like possibly the worst thing on television. Two episodes in and I was hooked. No, this is not a quality show. Yes, this is your basic situational comedy. Yes, they drink a lot of wine. And yes, if you are a woman you need to start watching what will soon by one of your favorite shows on television. (No, I cannot guarantee the attraction of this show for men.)

My Palahniuk experience, so far

Read it!
Read it!
Do not read it.


i was so bored at work today... i made a tumblr.

not only am i about a year behind the trend.. but i can already tell i will regret this. (although it is important if you are in advertising/promotions to be familiar with all forms of social media. this is my justification)

larissa and chessie... prepare to be forced to do another thing online you hate.